After seeing the outright fascist and perverted behavior of Musk and Trump over the past month, I wondered (again) “what kind of person is still working for Tesla?” So, I did a Google search on exactly that question and probably the best description appeared in a Reddit comment from 3 years ago in reply to a question, “Current or former Tesla employees.. Is Tesla really that bad for salaried employees?” Reading the first response to that question, from an ex-Tesla employee who “left in 2019,” reminded me of a 1999 book by Alan Cooper (an ex-Microsoft executive), The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity. The Tesla environment is what you might expect if all of the boys in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies continued to raise themselves on that island, with the help of a handful of computers and unrestricted access to the most irresponsibly violent video games, and stumbled into a company recently wreaked by a parasitic, spoiled rich Afrikaner who has one of the longest uninterrupted lucky streaks in human history. Working at Tesla sounds like being in a hellhole of dysfunction surrounded by spoiled boys who’s parents should have practiced corporal punishment; or abortion.
Those of us who have been outside observers of Musk’s lucky path to “the world’s richest man” have, mostly, been treated to all of the evidence necessary that karma is bullshit. His demonstration of business “leadership” at Twitter/X is right up there with Putin’s Poodle’s casino bankruptcies as an example of “how not to” manage a business. Tesla has set records for vehicle crashes, repair expenses, unreliability and recalls, and the only Tesla vehicle that Musk had any real hand in developing, the Cybertruck aka Swasticar/Deplorean, is an internet and international joke. People still imagine that Musk is a genius, especially people foolish enough to gamble on his companies, and that misplaced faith is setting up the United States for the next Great Depression with no fallback plan or responsible adults in charge of any of our institutions. The train wreck that Barak Obama saved us from in 2009 is coming due now and there is no brilliant, responsible, creative “DEI hire” in the wings to stop the crash.
I am in the process of applying to be a volunteer at a local hospital, one that appears to be unintimidated by the MAGA threats regarding DEI policies, and the application process brought home how much this country has benefitted from the years of “diversity (D), equity (E), and inclusion (I). I went through a 20-minute online training segment just on the value this hospital’s 150 year commitment to diversity has provided Minnesota and the world. After listening to local and national “news” for the past month, describing the decline and fall of the American Century, this was a breath of clean, fresh air that I really needed.
Here are some highlights of the reddit author’s experience:
· “Jank [“worthless” or “of poor quality”] rules supreme at Tesla. . . The part of the production line that was featured in tours was the one that Grohmann automation built (who Tesla has since acquired). It looks modern, clean, and futuristic. The other 90% of the factory looks mostly filthy and like a collection of senior projects and robot arms. There are many processes which really should be done in a clean room but are just done in a dirty factory atmosphere next to a few exterior doors that are open to the windy high desert.”
· Safety? “Giant forklifts rolling down aisles where you have to squeeze yourself up against a machine cell while the thing rolls past 2 feet in front of you, daily occurrence. Maybe the plexiglass will stop it? People going to the ER because they had a battery module dropped on them? Happened a couple times. If you're in a factory environment you need to watch out for yourself.”
· “Holidays are all over the place. Engineers worked through thanksgiving, Xmas, and on New Year's Eve. Sometimes you can get out of it, sometimes you can't. If you want to travel to see family just know that your holidays are always subject to change until a day before. Told you you're off but you're actually on? Tough luck. Told you you're on but you're actually off? Too late to buy flights so hope you've got friends in Austin.”
· “You will watch the value of your stock package swing up and down by tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. Usually in response to some Elon tweet. You can really feel the mood change when you walk in one morning and everyone just watched $10k get shaved off their upcoming vest.”
· “If you're the type of person to pop a monocle because of a lack of professionalism, it may not be for you. I saw more than one production associate (euphemism for factory button-pusher) walking around wearing a graphic tee featuring nude anime girls with huge tits. Nobody seemed to care, and no skin off my back, but if that bothers you.”
· “If you're the type to have a panic attack and need a mental health day when someone raises their voice at you: it's not the environment for you. Conversely, if you're the type of person that is fucking sick and tired of wishy-washy corpo-happy-speak, you might love it. Anyone who's had a performance review or 1-on-1 who thought ‘Wait, so am I doing well or not’ can relate. . . At Tesla it was very clear: ‘You're fucking up, you did a great job with X but if you don't Y and Z, things will not go well for you.’ Crystal. Also I could get away with telling someone ‘that's a stupid fucking idea, are you serious?" in a meeting, provided that it actually WAS a stupid fucking idea and I could prove it.’”
There is more, a lot more, but coming from 40+ years in manufacturing what I recognized from that last item is that loudmouth, arrogant, extroverted bullies rule at Tesla while thoughtful, analytical, skilled technical people will be buried in a hostile work environment that encourages poor decisions as long as they are made with confidence. There is, by the way, nothing new about that work environment. It’s pretty exactly the kind of place that most of US manufacturing was in before the late-1980’s quality movement and that pretty much explains Tesla’s poor product reputation and clockwork recall schedule. The company’s first level “fix” for customer dissatisfaction is to require an NDA for warranty work authorization. If you can’t make a decent product, kill the messenger. That will work, sure. Musk is going to have to buy Consumer Reports, otherwise blowing up NHTSA isn’t going to work. Like Trump’s MAGA cult, it’s pretty interesting that even with all of the problems, the generally crappy product design, manufacturing, and awful customer service, Tesla owners have been hilariously loyal to the brand until Musk outed himself as an anti-democratic fascist and decent human beings started mocking the Tesla culters.
One comment the reddit author made illustrated the real costs of working for a company as dysfunctional as Tesla, “. . . Tesla is the only place I've ever worked that made me question if I even wanted to be an engineer. I used to do a ton of personal engineering projects, I worked on products I wanted to manufacture and sell, I had a bitchin' EE lab I used all the time, etc. I've done none of that since starting at Tesla and even after leaving, and the lab is still in boxes. It broke something inside me that I'm still trying to fix. . .” I can relate to that experience. For some of us, being an engineer is a calling, maybe not at the level of being a medical doctor but at least with the ideal and goal of making the world a better place. Working at Tesla is all about getting rich quick with stock options, regardless of the damage done to society and consumers. You can, for a while, delude yourself into thinking you will make up for the damage after you get rich. The so-called “crypto-capitalists” who massaged their already stunted consciences with pipedreams of spending their fortune “making the world a better place” instead of doing something useful with their lives never seem to get around to doing the useful things. Musk somehow convinced some seriously gullible folks that he has a goal other than destroying democracy and making himself even more despicably rich in the process. He might have even convinced himself, but I doubt that.